Ford Sierra

Ford Sierra
1.2. Car identification
2. Maintenance service
- 3. The general data
   - 3.1. Cars with petrol engines
      3.1.1. Weights and transfer numbers
      3.1.2. Operational liquids
       3.1.3. Changes in a design of the car with 1984 to 1986
      - 3.1.4. Changes in a design of the car with 1987 to 1989 Engine OHC
 Engine CVH 1,8 дм3
 Engine DOHC
         - Service and repair
   Ignition system
   Injection system
   The scheme of system EES of IV engine DOHC 2,0 дм3
   Check and adjustment of system EES IV
   Elimination of malfunctions
   Check of elements of system EES IV
   System timing
   A head of the block of cylinders of the engine
   Engine dismantling
   Engine assemblage
   Greasing system
 Coupling A mechanical five-speed transmission of type
 A mechanical five-speed transmission of type МТ 75 An automatic transmission A forward suspension bracket
 Brake system
 The electric equipment The general data
       3.1.5. Changes in a design of the car with 1990 till February, 1993
    3.2. Cars with diesel engines
4. Engines
5. Coupling
6. Transmissions
7. A kardannyj shaft and the back bridge
8. A steering
9. Suspension brackets
10. Brake system
11. A body
12. An electric equipment

суррогатное материнство в сочи, on. System timing

System timing DOHC

1 – a cam-shaft of inlet valves,
2 – a cam-shaft of final valves,
3 – the inlet valve,
4 – the final valve,
5 – saddles of valves,
6 – маслосъемные caps of valves
7 – springs of valves,
8 – the top basic plates of springs of valves,
9 – crackers of valves,
10 – hydraulic pushers,
11 – asterisks of cam-shafts,
12 – приводная a chain timing,

13 – приводная a chain of the oil pump,
14 – an asterisk of a cranked shaft,
15 – an asterisk of the oil pump,
16 – a cranked shaft,
17 – the lever of the tension device propeller system chains timing,
18 – the hydraulic tension device propeller system chains timing, 19 – a sealing ring of a cranked shaft,
20 – segment шпонка

Removal of an axis of the tension device карданной system chains timing engine DOHC

Cнятие a lock ring.
Extraction of an axis of the tension device.

Arrangement of a hydraulic pusher of the tension device приводной system chains timing engine DOHC

1 – a hydraulic pusher

Installation timing engine DOHC

Adjusting signs on cam-shafts.
Adjusting signs on a cranked shaft.

Replacement propeller system chains timing

1. To disconnect from the accumulator a weight wire.
2. To remove клиновой a belt of a drive of the generator and the pump of a cooling liquid.
3. In the carburettor engine to remove the air filter.
4. In the version with fuel injection to remove the pipeline of giving of air from the filter to the case throttle заслонки.
5. To remove high voltage wires, to unscrew spark plugs, a cover of the distributor of ignition and a distributor rotor.
6. To disconnect the ventilation pipeline картера from a cover of a head of the block of cylinders.
7. To disconnect a cable of a pedal of an accelerator. In the carburettor the engine to unscrew a cable throttle заслонки together with the holder, and in the engine with fuel injection to disconnect draught from the case throttle заслонки after extraction from outside a clip from an artificial material.
8. To uncover heads of the block of cylinders (11 bolts and 4 nuts).
9. To remove the ignition distributor.
10. To remove the top casing propeller system chains timing.
11. To establish the piston in cylinder N1 in ВМТ.
The prevention

It is possible to turn накидным a key for an average bolt of fastening of an asterisk a cranked shaft in a direction of its working rotation while signs on asterisks of cam-shafts will not be established at height of the top plane of a head of the block of cylinders and in both cam-shafts will be directed outside.

12. To unscrew a nut of fastening of an asterisk of a cranked shaft.
13. By means of a stripper to remove an asterisk from a cranked shaft. In case of need to remove and a radiator.
14. To remove the bottom casing propeller system chains timing.
15. To remove the tension device propeller chains of the oil pump.
16. To unscrew a bolt with nest Torx of fastening of an asterisk of a drive of the oil pump and to remove an asterisk together with a chain.
17. To remove, held with a spring hook, top directing propeller system chains timing.
18. To unscrew the top and bottom bolts lateral directing propeller system chains timing.
19. To remove a lock ring of the tension device, and then to remove the tension device propeller system chains timing.
20. To take an axis of the tension device of a chain by means of bolt М6Ч70 and plugs in length of 15 mm.
21. To remove asterisks from both cam-shafts. To designate them that in the course of assemblage to put on corresponding places.
22. To take upwards lateral directing to a chain.
23. To remove an asterisk from a cranked shaft.
24. To take upwards приводную a system chain timing.
25. To remove the tension device of a chain.
26. To remove a hydraulic pusher of the tension device of a chain.
The prevention

After removal propeller the chain cannot turn a cranked shaft.

27. To disassemble a hydraulic pusher of the tension device and to merge oil.
28. By means of the special adaptation 21.145 to collect the hydraulic pusher of the tension device filled with oil for the engine. For this purpose it is necessary to establish the case of a pusher the flat party on a workbench, and on it the plug of the adaptation a cone upwards. To establish the pusher piston on the plug and to compress all together the lever of the adaptation which publishes a characteristic sound after дожатия against the stop (in the lowest position).
29. To check up, whether there is a piston of 1st cylinder in ВМТ (the flute of a cranked shaft is directed downwards).
30. To put on a chain a cranked shaft. To check up correctness of connection with cranked shaft.
31. To establish lateral directing to a chain.
32. To establish a hydraulic pusher of the tension device of a chain.
33. To establish the tension device of a chain.
34. To insert the tension device of a chain together with a lock ring.
35. To establish cam-shafts in the position shown on fig. Installation timing of engine DOHCшпоночные flutes of both shaft should be directed horizontally outside of a head of the block of cylinders.
36. To put on приводную a system chain timing asterisks of cam-shafts.
37. To establish on asterisk cam-shafts together with a chain so that the designated link of a chain settled down opposite to a sign on an asterisk of a cranked shaft (fig. Installation timing engine DOHC see the bottom part).
The prevention

In an installation time of asterisks приводная the chain should be tense from an opposite side of the tension device.

38. The forward end of a cam-shaft of inlet valves to put on elements of a drive of the distributor of ignition.
39. To turn a cranked shaft on some turns (in a working direction).
40. To establish the piston in cylinder N1 in ВМТ and to check up, whether are established horizontally outside of a head of the block of cylinders шпоночные flutes of asterisks of cam-shafts (fig. Installation timing engine DOHC).
41. To establish top directing to a chain.
42. To put on приводную a chain of the oil pump an asterisk on cranked to a shaft, and then to establish an asterisk (with the chain put on by it) on a shaft of the oil pump, paying attention, that the inscription "FRONT" on an asterisk was on an outer side (was visible).
43. To establish the tension device propeller chains of the oil pump.
44. To establish an asterisk groove according to a flute of a cranked shaft.
45. To establish the bottom casing propeller system chains timing together with a new lining, to screw up bolts of its fastening, but not to tighten them.
46. To put on a pulley a cranked shaft and to tighten a nut of its fastening by the corresponding moment.
47. To tighten bolts of fastening of the bottom casing propeller system chains timing the corresponding moment.
48. To execute the further actions in return sequence in relation to removal process, paying attention on:
       – Installation of a new lining of the top casing propeller system chains timing;
        – Correct sequence of a tightening of bolts of a cover of a head of the block of cylinders, since extreme, and finishing on averages;
        – Observance of the necessary moments of a tightening of corresponding carving connections;
        – Filling by a liquid and removal of air from system of cooling of the engine after the installation termination;
        – Check of control parametres of idling of the engine.