Ford Sierra

Ford Sierra
1.2. Car identification
2. Maintenance service
- 3. The general data
   - 3.1. Cars with petrol engines
      3.1.1. Weights and transfer numbers
      3.1.2. Operational liquids
      - 3.1.3. Changes in a design of the car with 1984 to 1986 The engine A head of the block of cylinders The block of cylinders of the engine The Krivoshipno-shatunnyj mechanism A cranked shaft System timing An engine mount Cooling system
 The carburettor System of injection of fuel Ignition system Coupling A mechanical four-speed transmission A mechanical five-speed transmission
 Automatic transmission Ford A 4 LD A power shaft and the back bridge System of a steering with the hydraulic booster A forward suspension bracket A back suspension bracket Brake system
 The electric equipment The general data
       3.1.4. Changes in a design of the car with 1987 to 1989
       3.1.5. Changes in a design of the car with 1990 till February, 1993
    3.2. Cars with diesel engines
4. Engines
5. Coupling
6. Transmissions
7. A kardannyj shaft and the back bridge
8. A steering
9. Suspension brackets
10. Brake system
11. A body
12. An electric equipment System timing

Phases timing
The prevention

Phases timing are resulted at a working backlash of valves (0,20 mm for the inlet valve and 0,25 mm for the final valve).

The engine
1,6 дм3 LSD
1,8 дм3 REB
22 ° before ВМТ
24 ° before ВМТ
54 ° after НМТ
64 ° after НМТ
64 ° before НМТ
64 ° before НМТ
12 ° after ВМТ
12 ° after ВМТ
OZD and ZZD – accordingly opening and closing of the inlet valve
OZW and ZZW – accordingly opening and closing of the final valve


Axial люфт a shaft in the engine 1,6 дм3 LSD
0,09 – 0,10 mm
Height of cams:
  – The engine 1,6 дм3 LSD
36,056 – 36,272 mm
  – The engine 1,8 дм3 REB
36,26 – 36,60 mm


Tension check

The new way of check – can be used for all engines.


The prevention

Before check the engine should work not less, than 1/2 hours.

1. To turn (in a direction of working rotation, holding for a pulley bolt) a cranked shaft on two turns and to establish the piston of 1st cylinder in ВМТ.
2. To turn a cranked shaft on nearby 60 ° in the opposite direction.
3. By means of the adaptation 21.113 to measure a tension of a gear belt between pulleys of a cam-shaft and an intermediate shaft which should make 4–5 units of a scale of the adaptation.