1. To insert an axis of plugs of 1-2 transfers on муфту slidings of the synchronizer of 1-2 transfers on secondary to a shaft. |
2. To make intermediate and secondary shaft and to keep this knot by means of a rubber bandage. |
3. To establish an intermediate gear wheel of transfer of a backing so that its ring thickening it has been directed towards a primary shaft. |
4. By means of a following rubber bandage to keep this knot. |
5. To arrange all knot in картере transmissions. |
6. To put on a secondary shaft приводную a speedometer gear wheel together with the remote plug. |
7. To check up, whether the intermediate shaft in картере is correctly established. To Finalize its position by means of the adaptation 16.042. |
8. To insert a back bolt of fastening of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of transfer of a backing and to screw up his hand. |
9. To remove a gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer and the remote plug. |
10. To insert a magnet in картер transmissions. |
11. To remove a rubber bandage. |
12. To insert plugs of 3-4 transfers, directing подрез downwards, and then plugs of 5th transfer and backing transfer. |
13. To insert an axis of plugs of 3-4 transfers, 5th transfer and backing transfer. |
14. To establish картер couplings on картере transmissions, inserting between planes of connection both картеров three распорки in the length 25 mm. |
15. To grease connection planes герметизирующей with paste. |
16. To take three распорки and to connect картера by means of the adaptation 16.041. |
17. To insert into apertures two bolts, both uniters картера and cautiously definitively to connect them. |
18. To insert other eight connecting bolts and to tighten all bolts the corresponding moment. |
19. To establish on a secondary shaft the remote plug and a speedometer gear wheel. |
20. By means of the plug of the corresponding diameter to establish a new sealing ring of a flange of connection of the forward hinge карданного a shaft. |
21. To establish on a secondary shaft a flange of connection of the forward hinge карданного a shaft. |
22. To screw up a new nut of fastening of a flange on the back end of a secondary shaft, having greased at first a surface of a carving of a nut герметизирующей with paste. After fixing of a flange of connection of the forward hinge карданного a shaft to tighten a nut the corresponding moment. |
23. To grease герметизирующей with paste a carving of a bolt of a stopper of the selector, to screw up a bolt and to tighten its corresponding moment.
The prevention Germetizirujushchaja paste should not get in a transmission.
24. To press against the stop in картере the plug of a stopper of the selector. |
25. To establish a ball, a pusher and a spring of a stopper of the selector. |
26. To grease герметизирующей with paste a carving of a stopper of a stopper of the selector, to screw up a stopper in картер couplings and to tighten its corresponding moment. |
27. To screw up in картере couplings a forward bolt of fastening of an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of transfer of a backing and to tighten the corresponding moment both bolts (forward and back). |
28. To establish a new adjusting spring ring on a primary shaft. |
29. To establish a new sealing ring of round section on the directing plug выжимного the coupling bearing, to establish the plug inside картера couplings and to tighten its bolts the corresponding moment. |
30. To establish a new lining of round section on a nut of the bearing of an intermediate shaft |
31. To screw up a nut of the bearing of an intermediate shaft in front картера couplings and to tighten its moment of 15-20 Nanometers. |
32. To designate nut position rather картера couplings and to unscrew it on 60 °. |
33. Зачеканить two ledges located about this nut. |
34. To check up, whether the bearing of an intermediate shaft leans against an adjusting nut. This nut should not be turned by a hand. Otherwise it is necessary to repeat last three operations after nut unscrewing. |
35. To establish a plate of fixing of a nut of the bearing of an intermediate shaft and to tighten a bolt of fastening of a fixing plate. |
36. After imposing of a small amount of greasing on шлицы a primary shaft and directing plug выжимного the coupling bearing to establish on a primary shaft выжимной the coupling bearing together with plugs of deenergizing of coupling. |
37. To screw up stoppers plum of oil and to tighten their corresponding moment. |
38. To fill a transmission with necessary quantity of corresponding oil for transmissions. |