Ford Sierra

Ford Sierra
1.2. Car identification
2. Maintenance service
3. The general data
- 4. Engines
   - 4.1. Petrol engines
       4.1.1. Technical characteristics
      4.1.2. Adjustment of backlashes of valves
      - 4.1.3. Ignition system The gauge of impulses with the Hall converter To distribute ignitions The switchboard Remarks on operation Installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition Definition of malfunctions Removal and installation of the distributor of ignition
       4.1.4. Fuel system
       4.1.5. The repair which is not demanding removal of the engine
      4.1.6. Removal and engine installation
      4.1.7. Engine dismantling
      4.1.8. Identification of co-operating parts
      4.1.9. Engine assemblage
      4.1.10. Replacement of pistons
      4.1.11. Removal and installation of an intermediate shaft
      4.1.12. System timing
      4.1.13. Greasing system
       4.1.14. Cooling system
      4.1.15. A suspension bracket of the power unit
      4.1.16. System of release of the fulfilled gases
    4.2. The diesel engine
5. Coupling
6. Transmissions
7. A kardannyj shaft and the back bridge
8. A steering
9. Suspension brackets
10. Brake system
11. A body
12. An electric equipment

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Ггв 350 по материалам The switchboard

The switchboard

The switchboard serves for strengthening of the signal arising at the moment of disappearance of effect of the Hall, operates interruption of a primary contour of the coil of ignition, and also corrects time of occurrence of effect of the Hall depending on number of turns of the engine, keeping, thus almost constant size of energy of a spark of ignition.

In engines 1,6 дм3 the system of ignition of firm Lucas in which the distributor of ignition has no regulators of a corner of an advancing of ignition is used. This function is carried out by the switchboard on the basis of signals about number of turns of the engine and depression in its inlet collector.