1. To remove the suspension bracket lever for what to unscrew a nut of a bolt of fastening of the lever to an engine mount cross-beam. |
2. To remove шплинт and to unscrew from a rotary fist castellated a nut of the spherical hinge of the lever and to squeeze out the spherical hinge of the lever from a rotary fist by means of a stripper. |
3. To unscrew a nut of fastening of the stabilizer to the lever and to remove a forward metal washer and a forward rubber ring. |
4. To disconnect and take the cross-section lever. |
5. To arrange in a vice the adaptation 14.027 to take the metallo-rubber plug, the lever of a suspension bracket and the corresponding auxiliary plug. |
6. To squeeze out the metallo-rubber plug from the lever. |
7. To dip the new metallo-rubber plug of the hinge of the lever in soap water and to place this plug, the adaptation and the auxiliary plug in a vice. |
8. To press the metallo-rubber plug into an aperture of the lever of a suspension bracket. |
9. To insert the lever in a cross-beam of a suspension bracket and on the stabilizer end. |
10. To establish a forward rubber ring and a forward metal washer; to tighten the corresponding moment a nut of fastening of the stabilizer to the lever. |
11. To insert into a rotary fist the spherical hinge of the lever, to tighten castellated a nut the corresponding moment and to fix it шплинтом. |
The prevention If after a tightening корончатой nuts the corresponding moment cannot be inserted шплинт it is necessary to continue a nut tightening on such corner which will make possible an insert шплинта (it is impossible to unscrew castellated a nut).
12. To insert a bolt of fastening of the lever to a cross-beam of an engine mount and to screw up new самоконтрящуюся a nut, without tightening it. |
13. After car lowering to tighten in two stages (subsection 9.1.1 see) a nut of a bolt of fastening of the lever to an engine mount cross-beam. |