Ford Sierra

Ford Sierra
- 1.2. Car identification
   1.3. Car lifting
   1.4. Towage
   1.5. A combination of devices
   1.6. A cowl
   1.7. Engine start
   1.8. Illumination and the alarm system
   1.9. Replacement of bulbs
   1.10. Ventilation and salon heating
   1.11. Doors
   1.12. The hatch and a luggage carrier on a roof
   1.13. Seats and headrests
   1.14. Mirrors
   1.15. A control bulb пристегивания seat belts
   1.16. Wheel replacement
2. Maintenance service
3. The general data
4. Engines
5. Coupling
6. Transmissions
7. A kardannyj shaft and the back bridge
8. A steering
9. Suspension brackets
10. Brake system
11. A body
12. An electric equipment

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1.8. Illumination and the alarm system


Installation of light of headlights

Н – the adjustment screw in a horizontal plane,

V – the adjustment screw in a vertical plane

Installation of light of headlights it is necessary to check each 10 000 km of run of the car.

The switch of external illumination

Positions of levers of switches (ITS) external illumination, and also screen wipers (EG) and a washer (LG) a windscreen

Positions of the lever of the switch
External illumination:
0 – illumination is switched off,
1 – are included forward and back
Dimensional fires,
2 – it is included distant or a passing light, and also dimensional fires
LG – the windscreen washer is included
Positions of the lever of the switch of a screen wiper and windscreen washer:
0 – the screen wiper is switched off,
N – work of a screen wiper with normal speed,
R – the accelerated work of a screen wiper,
I – faltering work of a screen wiper

The multipurpose switch

Positions of the lever of the multipurpose switch

FR – the headlight is included,
FC – the passing light is included,
AL – the light signal is included,
CD – is included the right index of turn,
CG – the left index of turn is included,
AS – the sound signal is included

The lever of the multipurpose switch is located under a steering wheel on the left side and consists of the switch of indexes of turn and the switch of a kind of light of headlights, and in some versions of equipment has also the button of a sound signal.

Moving of the lever of the multipurpose switch (fig. of Position of the lever of the multipurpose switch see) in parallel a steering wheel causes inclusion of indexes of turn:

 – Left (CG);
 – Right (СD).

Turn indexes are switched off automatically during returnable turn of a steering wheel before movement position directly forward.

Inclusion of indexes of turn is accompanied by inclusion of a green control bulb with the same frequency from the corresponding party of an instrument guard. In a case перегорания one of bulbs the corresponding control bulb blinks with much большей frequency, than turn indexes.

When the lever of switching of external illumination is in position 2 (fig. of Position of levers of switches of external illumination (IT see), and also screen wipers (EG) and a washer (LG) a windscreen):

 – Pushing away of the lever of the multipurpose switch from a steering wheel (FR, fig. of Position of the lever of the multipurpose switch see) causes headlight inclusion; on an instrument guard the control bulb of inclusion of headlights of a headlight lights up;
 – Moving of the lever of the multipurpose switch to a steering wheel (FC, fig. of Position of the lever of the multipurpose switch see) causes passing light inclusion;
 – Moving of the lever of the multipurpose switch against the stop in a steering wheel direction (АL, fig. of Position of the lever of the multipurpose switch see) causes headlight inclusion; after release the lever of the multipurpose switch comes back in position of inclusion of a passing light.

Back antifog lanterns

Back antifog lanterns join the switch, located on the left side of the forward panel over a lateral nozzle of system of ventilation. They burn only at the included headlights of a passing light. The control bulb of inclusion of back antifog lanterns is located nearby their switch, lights up at inclusion of headlights of a passing light and becomes brighter at inclusion of back antifog lanterns.

Sound signal

Inclusion buttons

1 – the switch of back antifog lanterns,

2 – the switch of heating of back glass

Depending on equipment the button of a sound signal is located in the middle of a steering wheel or on the multipurpose switch.

The switch of emergency fires

The button of the switch of the emergency fires, containing a control bulb of inclusion, is located in the top part of a steering column. After its pressing all bulbs of indexes of turns burn.

The switch of a screen wiper and windscreen washer

The lever of the switch of a screen wiper and windscreen washer (EG, fig. of Position of levers of switches of external illumination (IT see), and also screen wipers (EG) and a washer (LG) a windscreen) is located on the right side under a steering wheel. The screen wiper and a windscreen washer can be included, if the key is in position of II lock of ignition. Positions of the lever of the switch of a screen wiper and a windscreen washer can be the following:

 – About – the screen wiper is switched off;
 – N – work of a screen wiper with normal speed;
 – R – the accelerated work of a screen wiper;
 – I (in some versions of equipment) – unitary movement of brushes of a screen wiper or faltering work of brushes, can be with an adjustable interval of frequency of work of brushes, under a tachometre is the adjustment handle программатора faltering work of brushes of a screen wiper of a windscreen;
 – LG – the button at a lever end face allows to include a windscreen washer; if the car is equipped by washers of headlights they function simultaneously with a windscreen washer provided that headlights near or a headlight are included.

The switch of a screen wiper and washer of back glass

The switch of a screen wiper and washer of back glass is located on the right side over the left nozzle of system of ventilation.

Switch installation includes a screen wiper of back glass in the first position, and at switch keeping in the second position the washer (after removal of effort it comes back in the first position) joins.

Tanks of washers of glasses

Tank of washers of glasses and headlights

The tank of washers of glasses (and headlights in some versions) is on the right party in a forward part of a motor compartment.

The manufacturer recommends application of special structure for washers of glasses Motorcraft, mixed with water in a proportion corresponding to a time of year.

If the car is equipped by a screen wiper and a washer of back glass on the left side of a luggage carrier under a covering the tank of a washer of back glass with which it is necessary to fill with the same structure, as a tank of a washer of a windscreen is located.

The prevention

Some versions are equipped by a control bulb under average nozzles of system of ventilation which lights up when liquid level in a tank of a washer of a windscreen will appear below minimum.

Adjustment of intensity of illumination of an instrument guard

The handle adjustment is located on a left-hand side of the forward panel under a nozzle of system of ventilation and allows to regulate intensity of illumination of an instrument guard according to surrounding conditions.

Bulbs of illumination of salon

The forward bulb of illumination of salon is located between противосолнечными peaks, and a back bulb of illumination of salon – over back glass. Switches have three positions:

 – Inclusion of illumination of salon at opening of forward doors;
 – Deenergizing of illumination of salon;
 – Constant inclusion of illumination of salon.

Bulb of internal illumination of concentrated light

Some versions are equipped by a lamp directing a narrow beam of light on forward passenger sitting. The direction of a bunch of this concentrated light can be regulated in a small range.


Is present at some versions of equipment of the car.

Electric clock

Hours with стрелочным a dial, the systems of ventilation located under average nozzles, are established by pressing and rotation of their handle.
Some versions are equipped in addition hours with a digital board which informings except usual function about current time can carry out a role of an alarm clock, timer, and also to measure a time interval (for example, time in a way).

The module of the graphic information

The display of the module of the graphic information

And – doors are leaky closed,

b – danger of ice,

With – перегорание a bulb or a safety lock of a headlight or dimensional fire,

d – перегорание a bulb or a safety lock of the alarm system of braking

The module of the graphic information established in some versions of cars, is intended for the visual control of serviceability of the separate elements connected with traffic safety. On the display of this module located on the left side of hours, schematic drawing of the car with the top view (fig. the Display of the module of the graphic information see) is represented.

Fire of separate bulbs signals:

 – Doors () are leaky closed;
 – At an existing ambient temperature ice formation (b) is possible – the yellow bulb designates temperature 4 ° With, the red bulb designates temperature not above 0 ° With;
 – перегорание bulbs of a headlight, forward or back dimensional fires or перегорание a corresponding safety lock ();
 – перегорание bulbs of the alarm system of braking or a corresponding safety lock (d).

After ignition inclusion all control bulbs burn within 5 seconds. It allows to check up, whether one of them has fused.


In some versions of equipment of cars possibility of the current control over the expense of fuel in the course of movement and the prevention in case the expense exceeds norms of economic movement is provided. On an instrument guard two control bulbs are located:

 – Yellow which lights up when the expense of fuel exceeds minimum possible at these traffic conditions a little;
 – Red which lights up when the fuel expense considerably exceeds the minimum.

Multipurpose digital watch

Multipurpose hours

1 – the indicator of work of hours (blinks),
2 – time readout (blinks),
3 – the indicator of work of an alarm clock,
4 – a buzzer,
5 – time installation on стрелочных hours

Hours include:

 – стрелочные hours;
 – A digital board for instructions of work of hours and a chronometre, and also for an alarm system choice;
 – Five light-emitting diodes specify the chosen function – date, a signal, a chronometre, the timer and hours;
 – програмируемую the sound alarm system;
 – Three buttons provide various operations of a choice, time installation, програмирования and other functions.

The choice of five basic functions is made one after another by consecutive pressing of the button 1 (fig. see Multipurpose hours). A full cycle to press the button of 6 times. At first the board induces hours and minutes, then, on a following impulse, minutes and seconds. The button 1 is used also for installation, switching-off and deenergizing of sounding of a signal of an alarm clock.

The button 2 is used for management of a chronometre and consistently gives a command for a stop of indications of a board for fixation of intermediate time (the account of real time proceeds), or again to be switched to real time.

In a function of the clock or a calendar the button 2 quickly looks through indications for installation of hour or day.

As the last time it can subtract time of a stop from the general time.

The button 3 also as well as the button 2 serves for browsing of indications with its help but on small speed.

As a chronometre this button stops or establishes a chronometre on a zero.

As the timer the button 3 consistently establishes on a zero of a board and then starts time counter.

Pressing the button 2, it is possible to exclude time of stops (during an engine stop, contact is absent). It gives the chance to calculate simply enough average speed at the distant trips interrupted with many and long stops.