Ford Sierra

Ford Sierra
1.2. Car identification
- 2. Maintenance service
   2.1. The engine
   2.2. Adjustment of backlashes of valves
   2.3. Check and replacement of oil and the oil filter
   2.4. A cooling liquid
   2.5. The radiator fan
   2.6. A fuel tank and a jellied mouth
   - 2.7. The petrol engine
      2.7.1. Carburettor adjustment
      2.7.2. A filtering element of the air filter
      2.7.3. The ignition distributor
      2.7.4. Spark plugs
   2.8. Fuel system of diesel engines
   2.9. Coupling
   2.10. A mechanical transmission
   2.11. An automatic transmission
   2.12. Check of a condition of covers of hinges приводных semiaxes
   2.13. Check of tightness of covers and a condition of spherical hinges
   2.14. Check приводного a belt of the pump of the hydraulic booster
   2.15. Check of level of a brake liquid
   2.16. Check of a thickness brake колодок
   2.17. The lever of a manual brake
   2.18. The electric equipment
   2.19. Tyres
   2.20. Operational liquids
3. The general data
4. Engines
5. Coupling
6. Transmissions
7. A kardannyj shaft and the back bridge
8. A steering
9. Suspension brackets
10. Brake system
11. A body
12. An electric equipment

2.7. The petrol engine

2.7.1. Carburettor adjustment

It is not necessary to change adjusting parametres of the carburettor. Check of level and idling adjustment are carried out each 20 000 km of run of the car or a minimum of times in a year.