Ford Sierra

Ford Sierra
1.2. Car identification
2. Maintenance service
3. The general data
4. Engines
5. Coupling
- 6. Transmissions
   - 6.1. A mechanical four-speed transmission
      6.1.1. Technical characteristics
      6.1.2. Removal and transmission installation
      6.1.3. Dismantling and transmission assemblage
      6.1.4. Dismantling and assemblage of a transmission of type And and In
      6.1.5. Dismantling and assemblage of a transmission of type With
    6.2. A mechanical five-speed transmission
    6.3. Automatic transmission Ford With 3
7. A kardannyj shaft and the back bridge
8. A steering
9. Suspension brackets
10. Brake system
11. A body
12. An electric equipment

6.1.4. Dismantling and assemblage of a transmission of type And and In

Gear wheels and shaft of transmissions of type And and In

1 – a primary shaft,
2 – a secondary shaft,
3 – a gear wheel of constant gearing of an intermediate shaft,
4 – an axis of the block of gear wheels of an intermediate shaft,
5 – an axis of an intermediate gear wheel of a reverse gear,
6 – the precision bearing,
7 – a lock ring,
8 – the synchronizer of 3-3-4th transfers,
9 – the synchronizer of 1-1-2nd transfers,
10 – a gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer.
In black mugs numbers of transfers of separate gear wheels (AR – a reverse gear) are resulted

The mechanism of a gear change of transmissions of type And and In

1 – the lever of a gear change,
2 – draught of management,
3 – the selector,
4 – plugs of 1-1-2nd transfers,

5 – plugs of a reverse gear,
6 – plugs of 3-3-4th transfers,
7 – a plate of the mechanism of blocking

Dismantling of a secondary shaft

1. To remove from a back part of a transmission an external ring of the precision bearing of a secondary shaft. To beat out from a back part картера by means of a copper hammer completely a secondary shaft.
2. To remove a lock ring from a nave of the synchronizer of 3-3-4th transfers and to take a synchronizer ring, and also a gear wheel of 3 transfers.
3. To disconnect a gear wheel 2nd transfers and a lock ring of a persistent washer of a secondary shaft.
4. To remove a lock ring of a nave of the synchronizer of 1-1-2nd transfers and to take a synchronizer nave.
5. To remove the synchronizer of 3-3-4th transfers. To disconnect a nave of the synchronizer and its spring.

Assemblage of a secondary shaft

1. To insert a lock ring of a nave and the synchronizer of 3-3-4th transfers. To establish crackers on a nave and to arrange opposite each other cuts on both cones. To insert clamp and spring crackers. The bent ends of two spring rings it is necessary to arrange in one cracker.
2. To insert a spring ring of the synchronizer on a nave, the synchronizer of 1-1-2nd transfers and to grease the synchronizer.
3. To establish on secondary to a shaft a gear wheel of 1st transfer, and also the plug of the synchronizer and дефлектор oils.
4. To define a thickness of a spring lock ring of the precision bearing of a secondary shaft.
5. To establish a lock ring in a flute of a back part картера transmissions and to move it against the stop to an external ring of the precision bearing. To measure by a calliper distance between a surface of an emphasis of the bearing and the top surface of a flute of an adjusting ring. To subtract from size of result width of the bearing for definition of a thickness of a necessary additional ring. To pick up a thickness of a ring from accessible spare parts (subsection 6.1.1 see).
6. To fill a nest of the bearing of a secondary shaft консистентной with greasing.
7. Запрессовать the bearing and to fix a lock ring.
8. To establish a gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer. The distance between a face-to-face surface of the precision bearing and a gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer should make (size) 51,20 mm for a transmission of type And and 49,25 mm for a transmission of type of Century
9. To establish the synchronizer of 1-1-2nd transfers. Adjusting signs on a nave and a synchronizer ring should settle down on one line. It is necessary to pay attention, that sliding муфта with a reverse gear gear wheel has been directed back.
10. To establish on a secondary shaft a gear wheel 2nd transfers together with a lock ring, a ring of the synchronizer and a persistent washer, and also a lock ring.
11. To establish on a press on a secondary shaft a ring of the synchronizer of 3 transfers.
12. To establish on a press on a secondary shaft a nave of the synchronizer of 3-3-4th transfers, longer flange of a nave directed forward and to establish a lock ring.
13. To heat up a back part картера transmissions by its immersing in hot water and to establish a secondary shaft and a lock ring.

Dismantling and assemblage of a primary shaft, and also gear wheels of an intermediate shaft

1. To remove from a primary shaft a lock ring and the bearing by means of a press or a stripper.
2. To cover a landing surface of the precision bearing of a primary shaft with universal greasing, to establish the bearing on a press and to insert a lock ring.
3. To remove by means of a screw-driver the sealing ring fixed in an external ring of the precision bearing of a primary shaft. To fill the bearing консистентной with greasing and to insert a sealing ring by means of the corresponding plug, condensing edge in a direction картера transmissions.
4. To take an axis of an intermediate shaft, the remote plug and 19 подшипниковых needles (a type transmission), and also persistent washers from two parties of the block of gear wheels of an intermediate shaft. Type transmissions In (the strengthened design) has on 21 подшипниковой to a needle and have no remote plug.
5. To insert the block of gear wheels on an axis of an intermediate shaft and to fill from two parties space between an axis and an internal surface of an aperture of the block of gear wheels консистентной greasing. To insert a persistent washer, 19 or 21 подшипниковую a needle, the remote plug (a type transmission) and the following persistent washer.